Well as you all know we are doing the sperm meets egg plan, here are "add-ons" to supplement the plan
CD1 - yay AF showed
CD5 - started clomid 50mg for cd5-9
CD8 - start BD every other day until positve OPK
CD10 - take robitusim to help with CM that clomid can dry out.
I have also been drinking green tea, a glass at night since AF showed, its supposed to help with CM too.
once i get +OPK i start the pineapple thing:
here is the low-down:
Using Pineapple to Assist Implantation:
Pineapple contains bromelain. Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme that breaks up proteins that inhibit embryo implantation. Consuming a whole pineapple (focusing on the core as it has the highest concentration of Bromelain) during a fertility cycle can be beneficial.
For IVF cycle: consume equal amounts over five days, beginning on the day of your embryo transfer.
IUI cycle: consume equal amounts over five days, beginning on the day of your IUI.
Timed intercourse cycle: consume equal amounts over five days, beginning on the day after ovulation.
Note: Be careful not to start consuming pineapple too early in the cycle. Beginning to consume pineapple BEFORE the recommended days above can actually affect your vaginal and cervical mucus PH, making it more acidic.
Bromelain is the key here, so I don't see why Bromelain pills/supplements wouldn't work, but hey... I'm no doc. I know that your body absorbs more vitamins from actual food products than pills, but sure... I think Bromelain supplements would work just fine. As for the portions, I was told to buy a whole pineapple and divide into 5 portions, eating one portion every day from the day of ovulation.
So there you have it that is what i have to look forward to this cycle and i hope its all worth it, because as much as i love pineapple it kills my tongue, i mean even pineapple cocktails kill me!
But its all worth it if in the end we get our baby.
11 months ago
I pray that this cycle will work for you! AND there will be a little Viv or Michael on their way!
Good Luck this cycle!!!
I'm going to buy a pineapple today. Thanks for the info!!
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