2WW - time between your O date and AF's next arrival that can detect pg
AF (Aunt Flo) - your period aka red dragon/bitch/ect.
BCP - Birth Control Pills
BBT - Basal Body Temp/theromoter
BD - baby dance aka sex!
BFN - Big Fat Negative = negative HPT
BFP - Big Fat Positive = positive HPT
BW - Blood workBetas - # of HCg in your blood that has to double every 48 hours or so to = viable pg
CD - Cycle day (AF counts as CD1)
MH - My Husband
DPO - Days past ovulation
EDD - Estimated Due Date
HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (PG hormone)
HPT - Home Pregnancy Test
M/C - Miscarriage
M/S - Morning Sickness
O - Ovulation
OPK - ovulation prediction kit
RE - the Doctor that gets you pg
PG - pregnantPNV - Prenatal vitamin
POAS - Pee On A Stick
TMI - Too Much Information
TTC - Trying to conceive
U/S – ultrasound
1 year ago