Last night I had a big scare, with the progesterone supplements I'd been having excess liquid which the doctor said was normal, well last night i had what i though was that, i went to the bathroom and there it was a big gush of bright red blood, followed by 2 clots, as gross as it sounds I inspected them, they weren't blobs like AF or what i had after my D&C, one was white in color which makes me believe it my have been a progesterone blob 9what the hell do i know) the other had a rubbery consistency and was dark in color like almost black-ish and it wasn't jello like.
I put a pad on and got on my knees and prayed for the baby to be ok. I called the doctor's emergency #, she got back to me and said go get betas done tomorrow, and I asked her what are the chances these could be scabs left over from the D&C...not likely she said, I'm sorry but its sounds like a m/c.
I washed the dishes, tucked darren into bed and then another clot passed this one was big..think prune and it was jello-like exactly like the ones i had passed post surgery. Great now i know this definitely over.
I went to bed and although i was no longer passing more clots the bleeding continued, still have it now, I have a noon appointment to get my betas check and like the doctor said if the levels keep going up the i guess I'm still pregnant, if they went down then I had another m/c.
When does this nightmare ever end? had i not know I was pregnant would I considered this AF? would i start the clomid this cycle?
so many questions are in my head and not very many answers, seems to be the story of my life that nothing ever goes right.
I hate that i keep letting my husband down...he deserves to live through a pregnancy and experience all of it, my body of course has other plans.
What am I doing wrong?
10 months ago
OMG, I was so happy to read your post of a few days ago... and now so devastated to read this one. I am sending you lots of positive vibes and hope that your worse fears are not confirmed..
If they are, you should surely demand an RPL panel, it could be a clotting disorder which will require shots of lovenox and extra Folic acid but can otherwise be controlled.
Still holding out hope for you though..
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