
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Just another day

Quiet day so far, took my mom's dog Paris to the groomer, spent the better part of the morning napping, wow am I tired all the time now! Then i went and cleaned our downstairs, showered and went to get my son at the bus stop. All day I've been trying to figure out what to make for dinner, I've been craving calzone since we saw it on the food network on Sunday night, so guess what's for dinner... cheese calzone with sausage and ground meat. yum can't wait.

I have made my appointments for my beta to be done, one on Wednesday morning and one on Friday morning. I will be a wreck waiting on this but I KNOW they will be good.

This is where our bean is right now and according to the nest:

In week 3, sperm meets egg, and voila: conception! Your little zygote sets off on a six-day trek through your fallopian tubes, dividing and redividing into identical cells as it travels to your uterus.
In week 4, now safe in your womb, the ball of cells (blastocyst) splits in two, becoming the embryo and the placenta. The amniotic sac and fluid are forming around baby, and will act as a cushion for the next eight months.

I also like this site, it give very detailed info on where baby is and what i can except, hmm you would think after doing this once before i would remember...nope that was 7 years ago and beside i have baby amnesia..hey its proven! don't believe me look here.

wait what was i saying?

Oh yeah and I love this mantra that the ladies over at SAL have, very helpful and very positive!

--"Today I am pregnant and I love my baby."
--"I am pregnant until someone tells me otherwise."

--"My past does not dictate my future. A previous m/c does not mean I will have another m/c."

--"Just because something sad is happening to another poster, does not mean it will happen to you." We all know m/c and complications are not contagious!

-- "Hope does not make bad things happen" You cannot ‘jinx’ your pregnancy by creating a ticker, getting excited, or telling someone. Live in the positive!--And this is the hardest one: "There is nothing I can do to prevent a m/c from happening. Worrying yourself sick doesn't prevent a m/c. And if (gods forbid) it were to happen again, I know I will survive."