I'm not obsessing, really. Ok, maybe a little bit. But how do you not obsess when the BFP has been so alluring yet out of reach for so long? I think people may say they just kicked back during their 2ww, but who are we kidding here really?
I mean seriously It takes every bit of will-power for me to not do endless internet searches on early pregnancy symptoms, or think that every twinge, cramp, and bloat is a sign that this is the month.
well so here i am and it its THE month, i got my BFP exactly 1 week ago and I'm still technically in limbo awaiting yet another round of beta results. I have been on the progesterone suppositories for and pills since last Wednesday all totaling 400mg.
Here are some of the symptoms I've been experiencing:
post O day: During dinner, I got this horrible headache that felt like my head was being squeezed, I also had these horrible shooting pains in the back of my head. This lasted until late-afternoon the next day. then gone, ok whatever
8DPO : super nauseous for 2 days straight, my boobs however have been great as where with our first one i couldn't even bear to take my bra off at night let alone sleep on them
10DPO - present: Been having trouble sleeping through the night, and have been really, really tired. I read that this could be a side effect of the progesterone? Has anyone else experienced this?
5DP BFP - present: A ton of bloating. I feel twinges here and there. It feels as if there is "construction" going on. As for the bloating, it's similar to the worst kind of bloating I get on the months that this occurs prior to AF. It seems a bit early for me to be bloating this much if I'm not PG, but I kind of forget the exact timing when I usually experience this. i also started bleeding bright re, but no intense cramping, actually no cramping at all, i read somewhere maybe my body didn't get the memo we're pregnant? lasted 2 days,
10DP BFP = took another HPT it was positive
my betas so far have been:
13 DPO = 14
14 DPO = 19
17 DPO = 36
18 DPO = 77
24 DPO = ???
So what do you think? Is the Progesterone messing with my body ???
As I write this, I'm thinking, "you need to stop obsessing about this...go read a book or something..." - but I'm so tired right now, I know that if I started to read a book (and I'm actually in the middle of an extremely intriguing one right now) that I'd just end up falling asleep. I hope hubby comes home soon so he can entertain me - and keep me awake!
So although my HCG levels are "low", I have a good feeling about this PG. It may be wishful thinking, but I'd like to think it's women's intuition, or whatever you want to dub it. So I'm not sharing my news widely (aren't you all lucky in blog-land??) until I hit my second trimester. In the meantime, I'm savoring up all the information I can about pregnancy, what to do, what not to do, helpful tips, etc.I'm also taking lots of naps :)
I still feel pretty positive about my overall state, of course the nerves have started to sink in. It probably doesn't help that I'm blogging right after my conversation with my favorite nurse Kathy.
This is almost like drinking and dialing...except I'm getting scary news and blogging :)
so as soon as I know tomorrow if this is it so will you guys!
11 months ago
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