Thanks so much to everyone who has posted such supportive comments. My husband has been very amazing thourgh it all , but you get a different type of support from women that just can't be denied!
You all rock!
So I'm doing ok...for some reason, I started to have a sinking feeling about this pregnancy oover the weekend, when I saw how low my HCG numbers were from the start. By the time monday rolled around, I was a bit prepped for it, mentally. I just sat at the kitchen table and cried; the sobbing, put-your-whole-body-into-it type of crying, just lots of tears rolling down my face. Then, I went to clinicals, came home, and I had a glass of wine.
The good news is I can enjoy my wine again during this break from baby-making, and even have an occasional machiato or two. Add sushi to the list, too.
The bad news is that I have to be in this wait-and-see mode now. From previous experiences my betas tend to go down pretty fast, so i'm hoping that by January we will be able to start "fresh" sort of speak.
Best case, I can count last weeks bleeding as AF, and have a normal cycle this month, even if we're not TTC'ing it.
Worst case, my body takes longer to regulate, or I don't have a normal miscarriage on my own. I did start some very light spotting and cramping yesterday that lasted about 20 minutes! WTF was it? no clue. So I think my body is in the process of the miscarriage - just wondering how long it's going to take to get things back to normal.
The main pregnancy symptoms that are still with me are the sore boobs and heightened sense of smell. Boy, has that one been something! I've been gagging on my own perfumes,and even on the burt's bees Chapstick that I loved so it just plain stinks :)
Thank goodness I have midterms and finals coming up to keep me busy during this waiting period.
And again thanks to all of you!
11 months ago
Vivian--I'm so so sorry and thinking of you!!! :::BIG HUGS!!:::
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