well almost. but its good enough for us! all i can say is thank GOD this year is over it seems like this magical thread is finally being cut from the year that has proven like no other to be just pure hell for us.
As 2008 comes to a close and we get ready to usher in 2009, we have been reflecting on a year full of joy and sorrow. I hate that we had to experience 4 lossess this year. Miscarriage is a terrible experience for women and their families. But if anything i can take positive of this year is how close those 4 losses brough my husband and I together.We now share such an amazing bond that even though we had a very real strong connection before, that made it basically unbreakable.
A new year is about to start, and with that comes fresh beginnings, promises we make to ourselves and/or others, and more. I pray 2009 is a wonderful year full of love, support, growth and abundance in every way for us and anyone who reads and/or follows our blog.
As we make the transition into 2009, we know that we are walking the road to healing and recovery- even when we don't realize it. The sadness, grief, hate and questioning we have felt after all our miscarriages are all part of the healing process, and although at times its extremely hard to understand that and that there are days when I feel like I'm getting nowhere, i have to believe , i have to hope, that we are. Each day brings with it the time necessary for healing. Even when we've had a day full of tears, i know we are making progress by experiencing our feelings and allowing them to come out.
This was such a great way to do it, constructive and safe way to do it, i honestly believe this blog is what kept me sane along with the girls at TTCAL, otherwise i know for a fact i would have sunk into a very deep depression. I have been contemplating talking to someone just because its good to do once in awhile but for now this is good enough.
so fellow internet happy new year and may 2009 bring us all many healthy babies and boring pregnancies.
love always
11 months ago
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