yes that is what we are calling our baby!
It seems our lil blue is not ready to give up, there was a significant change from last weeks u/s, (friday 12th) The doctor is positive that I o'ed later than i though and its what is causing the difference (read : screw up)in dates. if your naot familiar with all this yet, usually (in a perfect world) the use your LMP(lat menstrual period) in my case Jul 28th, they assume 2 weeks later you O and 2 weeks after that you conceive) well it seems that its ot my case, They believe i geared up to O 2 weeks after my LMP but never did, i got a positives with the OPK's and we screwed like bunnies, 8 days straight! well at some point later that week I actually did O and i guess i had enough"reserve" to fertilize my egg during my vacation without hubby.
People....we have a fetal pole!!!! isn't that great?!!!! (fetal pole is basically in layman's terms, it is what will become the beating heart)
The doctor puts me at about 6 weeks, not 7 or almost 8 as we initially thought.
I go in for another u/s next friday the 26th to hopefully see a HB and be 100% this is it.
This has been such and emotional week with me basically crying myself to sleep every night because in my heart based on evidence it was over and i was gearing myself up to hear that during the u/s. At one point Michael held his breath and looked up and got teary and since I couldn't see the screen I just sighed and thought "yup its over" and i asked him "its empty right?" He shook his head which confused me and i thought he doesn't know what he is looking at, then the tech said Are you sure about your dates?" "yes" i said "why?" "well because there's the fetal pole that wasn't there last week!"
It completely took me by surprise and i just cried and was shaking.
So as of today I AM PREGNANT!
I am pregnant and I love my baby!
Thanks for all your support and well wishes and if you can still spare some, please pray we see a strong and healthy HB next week!
till then....
11 months ago
So great to know they found the fetal pole.. yay! I will keep you and the baby in my thoughts and prayers. ::Heartbeat dust::
That is great that they found the fetal pole. I will be thinking of you constanty
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