
Thursday, July 24, 2008

I though this was cute so i stole it

I stole this from michelle lee.

8 Things I Am Passionate About
1. My son

2. my husband

3. family

4. photography / scrapbooking traditional & digital

5. making a baby or at least trying to

6. the nest of course i would die without those ladies!
7. being a wife, being a mother my son looks up to
8. Animals, all shapes and sizes! i want to become a wildlife rehabilator. Elvis(our baby squirrel) opened my eyes to so much and how fragile they are

Elvis R.I.P.

8 Things I Want To Do Before I Die (in no particular order)

1. Give my husband the joy of preganacy and birth
2. Be someone amazing

3. See my son grow up well and someday start his own families and achive his dreams

4. be debt free.

5. travel more

6. finish my nursing career
7. be able to give back and actually be able to afford doing so! lol
8.resue many animals and help them out

8 Things I Learned This Past Year

1. I am WAY stronger that I ever thought that I was.

2. I have the best family in the world, and a truly supportive husband

3. Strangers can be amazing uhmm hello the nest PL board in particular and now the TTCAL.

4. Life sucks sometimes but you have to ick yourself up and keep going its all there is to do..

5. Each person is world in themselves, you never know what happines or sorrows hide behind their face.

6. hating God/universe doesn't help it only makes you more me be there still doing doing it.

7. Your Body can turn on you when least expected. like my mom always says men make plans God runs them in my case it s my ever failing body!

8. You need to be positive. at least at times

8 places I want to see

1. Tahiti
2. italy

3. Brazil

4. Egypt

5. colorodo rockies

6. hawaii.

7. paris.

8. greece.

8 things I miss

1. being a kid nothing to think about but playing

2. my son being a baby i forget how tiny he used to be.

3. my parents taking care of everything.

4. being positive about pregnancy the innoce of it is gone for me.

5. Being naive about pregnancy.

6. high school i loved it.

7. life after HS living in Costa RIca all by myslef it made me grow up but in a good way!

8. my grandmother i see her once a year now and i miss her and her cooking

8 things I currently want/need

1. sleep.

2. a bigger house.

3. money would help too.

4. to start excersising again.

5. BFFP.

6. a bigger kitchen.

7. to see my friends more.

8. not to fail at my mom's business! 20 years + of building it up is now all in my hands!.


Amanda said...

Loved learning about you!