
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Hey i'm still alive...

Wow it has been almost a year since i last posted. Truth be told i needed the break. I needed to focus on my boys, my family and myself. My last visit to the RE was back in Dec and since my insurance changed in January i could no longer continue under his care, so we are once again TTC on our own, no meds, no intervention, just the good ol' fashioned way, with lots of practice.
other than that our lives have been pretty much the same except that as of this month i am officially a full time SAHM. I love that i can stay with my boys and be here anytime they need me. Its not that i'm not thankful my IL were here to help but they are my children, therefore I should be the one raising them, and no knocks on those of you that have to use daycare it just isn't for us. we knew form the get go that no matter what if we had to choose between my income and daycare, well for us it was a no-brainer. so i''m home now, and i love it!
In other news, my mom is going to be here with us for easter and i can't wait. the last 5 years have been hard. my mom is my best friend and not having her here to escape to or even just chat was heartbreaking for me. seeing her once a year was hard too. i'm just so thankful that this journey to get her back home is finally almost over, and we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. its been a hard and expensive road to travel but in hindsight well worth it. i know she is eager to pick up where she left of with D and to get to know G better and cuddle with them.
I'm also trying to get my business started and i've had sales honestly it has been better than i thought. Its a nice distraction for me, relaxing almost and if its a little something extra i can contribute then even better.
You guys should check me out even if its to be curious afterall word of mouth is better than none.
Bear Monkey Designs on etsy
Bear monkey Designs on facebook
So for the time being that is all the big news. Now that life is starting to settle down a bit i'm hoping to be here more.
oh and here are some pics of the things i've been busy doing.
first check out pics from the craft show last weekend here

and here is half of my easter outfit.

I have to say for it being the first time i make myself anything and without a pattern i'm very proud of how it turned out. and its sturdy enough that i won't be flashing people at church from it coming undone. I got my inspiration (and instructions) here

Also i've seen these little boys shorts everywhere,

I had some similar fabric so i made G a pair. what do think?

thanks to dana for her boy pants pattern. i love that woman!.

And last but not least my newest obssession Pinterest led me to the following projects:
necklace organizer - ideas from here
and this one too.
a trip to AC moore, $5 later and a glue gun and I had this:

and while i was at that i re-organzied and labeled my makeup corner. YES i am OCD and needed it all labeled, you know in case i forget what is where or what not

 now you see it - - -  now you don't

 and YES that is a full tray of lotions and body sprays. i think i'm set for the next oh 5 years or so.

That is all for now.