Cleaning and scrubbing can wait 'till tomorrow,
For children grow up, I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby,
And babies don't keep.
--Ruth Hamilton
this is the best way i can sum up why this blog has been so quiet. as i watch my boys together i realize this time will be short that they are this little and still want to spend time with me. so blogging has taken a back seat for now.
not much to update other than we patiently wait for the return of AF after the hysteroscopy which revealed a polyp of placental tissue and inflammation which i will be on antibiotics for 6 weeks total to eradicate. i also O'd on my left side so i'm hoping its a sign that things are still working ok even after being on estradiol my body kind of picked right up after the dose was over.
so for now that is all i have to share. hope everyone is enjoying their summers i just wish it didn't have to end.
11 months ago
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