This man decided he all of a sudden "knows" what is right for a baby! He decided to write this article about how breastfeeding can affect your marriage.
Essentially, the Rabbi says that women who are devoted to breastfeeding are committing a “cardinal sin” by not putting their husbands and thus their marriages before the needs of their children. He goes on to say that when husbands see their wives breastfeed they lose interest in their wives sexually, and since the “erotic nature of a wife’s body is a principle element of attraction in marriage,” choosing to breastfeed and bond with your baby is akin to choosing the demise of your marriage. “It is not the bad thing you do that destroys a marriage, but all the good that you fail to do, preoccupied as you are with a sinful relationship that diverts your attention away from your spouse.”
Sinful relationship? Wow.
he says "
Obviously, breast-feeding is not the same as carrying on an extramarital affair. But when a mother gives her breasts to her son and takes them away from her husband, the effect on the marriage can feel the same"
uhm seriously, i doubt my husband feels that our son is "stealing" my breast from him!
like Hailey said:
"Stick to the Torah... what you know, because you are not a woman and do not have a woman’s intuitive wisdom!
Rabbi Shmuley wrote a retraction of the article.It turns out they’ve been receiving a number of comments (oh, really?! can't imagine why)
read it here
It seems to me that Rabbi Shmuley’s first article passionately vented his personal opinions about breastfeeding and women and his second article was written after he’d composed himself a little. It’s too bad he didn’t write the second article first. I think he could have saved himself a great deal of negative press.(quoted from
11 months ago
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