
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Vaccination alternatives

With Monkey's 2 month checkup coming up, i've been researching vaccine schedules and alternatives like a mad woman. I read Dr.Sears take on it and have tried to be biased about it all.
I came across this blog in which she talks about this as well. I will leave it up to you to make your own informed decision on what is best for your child, but its always good to have information to make those choices.
Here is the alternate schedule and how it would be administered

Dr. Sears Alternative Vaccine Schedule

With all of the talk of vaccines causing autism and whatnot I thought I'd post this alternative vaccine schedule by Dr. Sears for other parents. He spaces the vaccine's out throughout their youth so that they aren't getting too much medicine at one time. The MMR shot is probably one of the most dangerous and criticized culprits of autism, but this schedule divides them up at 1, 2, and 3 years old.

The months with an * are shots-only visits b/c most doctors don't do well-baby appts those months.
I'm leaving the Flu shot out of this schedule b/c there are footnotes that basically say to start it with 2 doses between 6-12 months during flu season, then get one each year through age 5.lea
e use this list as a tool to discuss vaccinating with your pediatrician.

Dr. Sear's Alternative Vaccine Schedule

  • 2 months: DTaP, Rotavirus
  • 3 months*: Pc, HIB
  • 4 months: DTaP, Rotavirus
  • 5 months*: Pc, HIB
  • 6 months: DTaP, Rotavirus
  • 7 months*: Pc, HIB
  • 9 months: Polio (IPV)
  • 12 months: Mumps, Polio (IPV) (See 3rd UPDATE)
  • 15 months: Pc, HIB
  • 18 months: DTaP, Chickenpox
  • 2 years: Rubella, Polio (IPV) (See 3rd UPDATE)
  • 2 1/2 years*: Hep B, Hep A (start Hep B at birth if any close relatives or caregivers have Hep B)
  • 3 years: Hep B, Measles (See 3rd UPDATE)
  • 3 1/2 years*: Hep B, Hep A
  • 4 years: DTaP, Polio (IPV)
  • 5 years: MMR
  • 6 years: Chickenpox
  • 12 years: Tdap, HPV
  • 12 years, 2 months*: HPV
  • 13 years: HPV, Meningococcal (once Meningococcal vaccine is approved for age 2, Dr. Sears will move it there and delay Hep B by 6 months)
NOTE : The MMR vaccines are no longer split up into 3 different shots. As a result I have chosen to wait until my son is over 3 to get the MMR shot. He has to have 2 MMR vaccinations before starting public school so I will wait as long as possible. However, if there is an outbreak in my area of any of the 3 diseases, I will consider vaccinating him immediately. - Shari

****UPDATED ****
It was brought to my attention that the IPV vaccine is actually included in the is the Polio vaccine. I confirmed with my own research. However, I am leaving this other alternative vaccine schedule recommended from a different author and pediatrician. This is just another option for concerned parents. This schedule is based on Dr. Stephanie Cave's What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children's Vaccinations .

Here is her schedule:

Hep B
Delay until the year before starting school, although we may consider starting the series as early as two and half if we are considering preschool at the time.

4 mo, 6 mo, 8 mo, 17 mo

IPV (Polio)
4 mo, 6 mo, 8 mo, 17 mo (booster at 4 years)

5 mo, 7 mo, 9 mo, 15 or 18 mo (booster at 4 years)

Pneumococcal (PREVNAR) one dose at age 2

Varicela (Varivax)
Age four, if at all

Mumps – 15 mo
Rubella – 27 mo
Measles – 39 mo
Booster – age 5

****UPDATED ****
I ran across this article and decided to post it. It is about a father's struggle with vaccinations and how his decisions effected the way he chose to vaccinate his two sons. He did a year's worth of research and this article is part of his result. "
To vaccinate or not to vaccinate is the parental question of our time."

****UPDATED ****3rd UPDATE****
Merck is no longer making the MMR shots separately. As a result, personally, I am putting of the MMR shot until my son enters kindergarten. I am doing this because I think this is what is best for my son in my situation. Hopefully in the next 4 years they will have more answers and I can make a more informed decision. As for right now, this is what I've decided to do and my doctor is supportive. You, as a parent, must make your own decision on when you will get the MMR.


Kite Koop said...

Hi. I love your post on vaccines, and I am just starting a new resource blog for moms where other moms write in advice for other moms. It will have anything from parenting advice, exercise tips, product reviews, housekeeping tips, beauty tips, autism, attachment parenting, recipes, potty training, infant loss/miscarriage, ways to entertaining toddlers, homeschooling, tips on how to integrate devotional time when you have a bunch of kiddos and NO time - you name it! The list of possibilities is endless. I would absolutely LOVE it if you could take some time out of your busy schedule to write a guest post in the near future on any topic you are willing to advise that you think might help other mothers. It could be as short or as long as you'd like. If you're really ambitious, you can write about more than one topic! It could even be something you have previously posted on your own blog/website in the past. And, of course, you could promote your website/blog or any other services as well. Thanks!

Valerie (write me at kitekoop AT gmail DOT com)