As we hit 3 weeks on tuesday of our little monkey being with us, Michael is alo starting to feel a bit better from his surgery. He is walking more and able to come upstairs and hold monkey. Which in turn gives me some extra time to do things like shower, do the dishes, clean, and laundry which has been greatly neglected. case and point this is the load of just whites that i was able to tackle today.
I guess it doesn't help that i give myself impossible tasks to do while juggling a newborn, a 9 year old who ca turn into Jekyll/Hyde in a matter of seconds, 2 needy dogs, a rambunctious ferret and a recuperating hubby, oh wait did i mention myself in that list? didn't think so.
anyway my point to that rambling was V-day, i decided to MAKE something for D to bring to school instead of buying stuff at the party store. so 2 days of a 1am bedtime, this is what i ended up making:
full instructions here
I ended up using different colors since there are boys in the class. in the end i was very proud of the finished product and in hindsight it was relatively easy, also because i enrolled D to help me wit this.
here are some pics of the finished product, i added a greeting to the back of the "IPOD" and then put the whole thing in treat bags and tied with ribbon to make it more "presentable" for the class/ D said they all loved it and his Teacher had him go show it off to the principal. needless to say D was very proud of "his" v-day card/gift
11 months ago
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