Many thanks to A Frugal Life for this great tip: Stop and Shop, a supermarket chain here in the Northeast, is offering free antibiotics to those with prescriptions through 3-21-09. There doesn't seem to be a catch. You present a prescription, they check to see if it is on their list of essential antibiotics (the list is here) and they give you a 14 day supply - free. They don't bill your insurance, there is no co-pay, and no minimum purchases or coupons are required. Stop and Shops announcement of the promotion is here. Kudos to Stop and Shop for trying to help out people with free antibiotics.
I'm pretty healthy but twice a year or so, I get UTI, you know the kind, i-really -have-to-go-now-but-nothing-comes-out-maybe-a-drop-or-twoThey usually happen on the weekends after I try homeopathy cranberry juice, cranberry, pills, I pray for relief and then I cry. well now being in the 2WW i'm afraid to take any antibiotics. if it wasn't for that sole reason, by Monday, I call the doctor, I drive to the office, I pay a $10 co-pay, she makes me PIC then looks at me for oh thirty seconds, announces that it is a UTI, and writes a prescription. I get to the pharmacy, I pay a nother $10 co-pay, I take the antibiotics, and by day 2 I have relief, i take the entire course of antibiotics.
It occurred to me that I could call my doctor and ask her to phone in a prescription to Stop and Shop (no charge for that). Bet I could talk her into it.
But ....stockpiling antibiotics - is it wise?
The problem with that is that people will use the antibiotic past the expiration date (in most cases it is a year). Tetracyclines in particular become toxic quickly and should never be used after the expiration date. No one, including me, will or should ever take the liability risk of telling you it is okay to use anything past the expiration date.
In this case though, I throw out antibiotics if expired. keeping in mind that, having a stash of antibiotics to treat my UTI will save me a slew of money and pain.
I'm going for it.
11 months ago
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