Our first round of betas came back at 19 which is low but like all the nesties say its the doubling that matters, that was last friday, yesterday and this morning i had betas drawn yesterday's number was well my betas is 36 so it doubled within the 48-72 hour span, but my progesterone is 6, Most Doctors like to see it at least at 10-12 or above for it to be considered a "good" pregnancy. Oh and here is the kickler, i started bleeding this morning!
I kept telling michael i was just waiting for the other shoe to drop he kept being positive. Ilove that man!
anyway my doctor said its not over although the bleeding has not stopped and i have since passed some, not many but some small clots.
He said to keep taking the progesterone but to up to twice a day isntead of once and see where it goes. He did say though that i should prepare my self for this ending up being a chemical pg. Which is basically the clinical term used for a very early miscarriage. In many cases, the positive pregnancy test was achieved before the woman’s period was due but a miscarrige occured before a heartbeat was able to be seen on an ultrasound.
I came home and just got into bed so i apologize for not posting earlier, i've been trying to stay positive but the bleeding really isn't helping me out.
I did hit google and found some stories of women with low p4 like this one:
"Here are the facts: m/c at 10 1/2 wks pg in early nov. 2007, ultrasound showed no growth after 5 wks, pos. pg test early jan. 2008 w/ no AF in between, progesterone levels at 4 1/2 wks were 3.9! Hcg went from 49 to 176. So at 5 wks started taking progesterone supplements, in 3 1/2 days my prog. went from 3.9 to 15 and my hcg went from 176 to 1023. Any similar got my results this morning and my hcg went from 1023 to 12,000 in one wk, my ob says that is good, my progesterone is 12.4, but the OB says that could be normal for me.I would say your hcg levels are more revealing than your progesterone levels. They should double every 48-72 hours in early pregnancy."
and this one
my progesterone at 16 dpo was only 9 and my hcg was only 49. The hcg did start to double but the the progesterone never really took off. It never got above 25 and stayed at 15 or below. My RE did have me on Crinone for the first trimester just to make sure. They told me the pregnancy was probably abnormal, but I am 36 weeks with what appears to be a normal healthy girl.
I'm hoping i can be one of those miracles but i'm so scared to be positive!
thanks for all your prayers and well wishes, he wants me to go back next week and get another round of betas and go from there. And tomorrow i will know today's resu;ts and if those are lower than todays well then i guess we all know what happened!
11 months ago
I'm praying for your miracle baby. My heart goes out to you!
I just found your blog while researching Trisomy 16. I am blessed with a 5 year old son, but have had three m/c over the last 3 years trying to have another. One was Trisomy 8, the one I just had was Trisomy 16, and the first one was at 14 weeks, no genetic issues. I haven't had a chance to read through all of your posts, but plan to catch up. I just wanted to introduce myself. chiromom.bravejournal.com
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