I need to vent for a minute, my new office Dr.Fl when i told her about the bleeding that started on tueday she quickly althoough gently and nicely said its chemical pg your body is flushing it out. she said that based on my p4 of 6, she failed to mention that the betas however were doibling! based on my google research some doctors think betas doubling is more important than p4 others think p4 is and indicator of where the pg is going.
When Doctor F from my old office called i asked him and he said well we will supplement with extra p4 and if its meant to be it will be but why not give it a try! that is what i like and its what is making think of actually staying with the old office, the only reason i wanted to leave was because i don't really care for the other Dr. ther but 2 out if 3 ain't bad and i don't have to see him all the time, my other gripe was the hospital with the new office the hospital they use is about 10 minutes away where the old office the hopst is a good 30-45 minutes but its a great hosp.
I guess on tuesday i'll find out for sure if this is working or if i did have another m/c and then to decide which office to stay with for good!
11 months ago
Thanks for the response! I do have a question for you. My OB seems to think that because this was another confirmed chromosomal pregnancy that I could not prevent, that I don't really need further testing, because there is 'nothing I could do' to prevent this. What do you think? I'm thinking I should consult with an RE to at least get another opinion. You are the only person I have found that has been through the same - 3 fairly early m/c. You can e-mail me at michmccoydc at yahoo.com.
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