JANUARY 19, 2010
We had our last appointment this morning and Dr. F said monkey passed his NST test perfectly, i had A contraction while laying there lol, she decided she would strip my membranes and asked if Michael wanted to be there, he looked at her and said of course nothing scares me anymore. lol i love my husband.(The procedure usually feels like a vaginal examination, although it sometimes can be painful or cause cramping. The practitioner places her gloved finger through the cervix and sweeps the amniotic membranes free of their attachment to the lower part of the uterine cavity. This process is believed to release hormone-like substances called prostaglandins, which help to ready your body for labor.) She gloved up and started, may i just say that this for me anyway was super painful, it was like she had her whole hand up in my girly bits. Super painful and very uncomfortable. She said hopefully with this things would move along on their own, and i could avoid pitocin(something i really don't want to get) but regardless if it doesn't we are getting induced wednesday morning.
Anyway i guess she figured it wouldn't hurt but also warned me to not get my hopes up since its not a guarantee.
We went to BRU to get a bouncer form a GC we had left over, then we had lunch at chili's with D since he was home from school.
I really hope this work because if anything it made me super crampy and although i was warned the bleeding is kinda freaking me out. I wish I had kept the doppler.
I can't get over the fact that in a couple of days i won't be pregnant anymore. Don't get me wrong i am dying to hold our little monkey, but we fought so hard and went through so much to get pregnant, back pain, shots, pill popping and all, I LOVE being pregnant. I'm gonna miss his hiccups, his butt moving from side to side, knowing when his feet are in my ribs and when they are off to the side, feeling jabs from his elbow in hips. And how sweets make him move like crazy.
its such a special bod between just us two, i am truly going to miss it.
Michael jokes that we'll have to get pg and keep me pg so i don't miss it...hmm wonder when we can start...JK
11 months ago
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