I try to feed Gabriel and of course the rest of my family as much organic food as i can, specifically any fruit/veggie which skin is edible. Milk, eggs, and cheese. So it was a given that baby food for on the go or when i'm running low on homemade kind was to be the same standard.
my favorites and Gabriel's are earth's best, ella's kitchen, happy baby, plum organics and sprout. Love them all.
My MIL tends to give him what i tell her or she cooks pastina (pasta stars that are minuscule) in chicken broth with veggies.
She did get recently the Gerber toddler meals, which i though was and easy option. Fast forward to last night and when everyone was asleep i was reading May's Glamour magazine which happened to have an article about plastics in general and how they can be dangerous.
It had a part that said BPA has been linked to infertility and went on to mention that most dangerous are plastics with the #7 on the bottom. You can google and will get lots of info on this.subject.
Now back to Gerber:
from green and clean mom
"Now there’s the BPA issue and most of what I used from Gerber was in plastic. Just wonderful, another reason why making your own food probably is the best. So I called the company and wanted to hear what they had to say about BPA and their food in the plastic. The lady on the phone was just darling but uninformed and tried to explain which plastic was safe and which wasn’t and what the FDA says is safe and how Gerber’s priority is safety. A scripted answer and when I pushed for more details on exactly what number plastic was the baby food containers and the juice in, she said she couldn’t find the documents. Hmmmm? I was then asked for my address and she politely said she’d send me coupons. Thanks.
A letter arrived in the mail, nearly two weeks later but the coupons came in two days. A nice letter explained how I can be assured that all Gerber products are safe and meet the U.S. Food and Drug Administration requirements for safety. They explain that the FDA sets regulations for food and plastic interaction and they are well within the federal limits. The Gerber® Graduates® plastic food containers are not made from polycarbonate. Gerber chose the multi-layer #7 plastic to keep food fresh and safe, that’s their reasoning.Their final statement to me was this, “Gerber believes that when used as intended by FDA, these products are safe.”
I drove to the store and looked at all the Gerber plastic and all of the juice containers say #7 and all of the plastic baby food containers are #7. If the plastic is multi-layered then why have a #7 on them? What is the point of parents using BPA free bottles, sippys, teethers and toys when the food they are giving their children is packaged in BPA plastic? I’ve written enough posts on BPA, started a project to help daycare convert to BPA Free products but the big wigs are hiding behind an approved limit. Gerber has been in business for 80 years and they clearly state they have helped family raise happy, healthy babies. Moms decided for yourself if you feel that Gerber is a company you can trust. I, however, believe that Gerber is hiding behind the FDA and needs to make a change, fast! It isn’t enough to just offer me a handful of coupons and discounts to forget about the BPA!
If you feel the same as I do, call or write the company and tell them your feelings (1-800-4-Gerber). We have to start demanding that large companies make these changes and stop accepting what the FDA deems as safe limits. Enough is enough! Safe Mama has also composed a great post that might be worth reading. Safe Mama mentions Gerber claiming all of their products were BPA Free but in my formal letter, there is no statement such as this. I guess we were on the same wave length! Moms Rising started a petition for you to sign that lets the CEO’s know, we want change. For now, maybe begin making your own baby food, choose foods in glass jars rather than plastic (be sure to recycle them) and maybe consider buying from a company that makes organic baby food in safe containers."
Here is some more info from the Glamour article:
3 chemicals to know and AVOID
Bisphenol A (BPA) - linked to infertility problems & heart disease. Don't microwave food in plastic containers and choose glass over canned goods.
Phthalates - found in some cosmetics, air fresheners & cleaning products especially ones with fragrance. Contributes to weight gain, may interfere with male-type hormones. Go fragrance free.
Tributylin - in some shower curtains, TBT may turn stem cells into fat cells. Buy PVC-free plastics.
1. eat well and exercise
2. buy fresh produce if possible(no packaging)and choose food foods in glass containers instead of metal cans.
3. no plastics in the microwave
4. always try to buy organic version of foods with edible skins
5. check the safety of your cosmetics - database.com enter 5 items you use the most and it will rank its potential health hazards. josie maran cosmetics is a great "green" healthy choice
6. don't use cleaning products with fragrance or air fresheners - I've been using method or just plain vinegar to clean, safer for baby, us and mother earth. Search the blog i have a post for homemade home cleaners that are baby friendly and easy to make.
7. filter your tap water - we use PUR attachment and it works amazing.
8. take off your shoes before entering your home - don't track in outdoor stuff like pesticides and other cancer-causing substances, plus it keeps your floors cleaner!
Just wanted to share some info and food for though. I'm not getting anything for mentioning any of the above brands, just sharing what has worked for us
And like glamour says " Be Proactive, don't wait for the goverment to tell you not to eat something or use something because bv the time they do and IF they do, too many people will have suffered"
in the meantime i'll probably use up whats left of the gerber food just not heat them up in said container, Then i guess i'll have to keep up with my homemade food for our little monkey.
11 months ago
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