
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

moving everywhere

Babyproofing was always in the back on mind and while i didn't want my home to becaome ne big bubble i also did not want to see my little man get hurt. the kitchen has a gate and unless we are there with him G doesn't really have access to it. so mainly he stays in the living room in this big looks-like-its-made-for-the-dog thing.

North State Industries Superyard XT Gate - North States Industries  - Babies"R"Us
we have a big plush comfy throw from restoration hardware that i got last christmas. and a whole bunch of toys for him to play with while i cook.
Most of the other times we are upstairs and there is my problem area. besides the obvious power plugs i didn't think of much else. Turns out my dresser drawers and ***EEKK** my make up table are all fair game.
SO i just got back from BRU with some of these little babies.

i hope for now it works. he is becoming so mobile and with him cruising also just makes for a whole lot of headaches to come