Bedtime can be absolute hell for some households, not to brag but luckly for us its been a breeze. We co-sleep with G and granted M was opposed to it at first, now he can't imagine and actually doesn't want the day when he will sleep in his own bed. I was and is still met with "yo are crazy for doing that, he will never leave your bed" to "you are spoiloing him" (when he was younger. You know what neither of those things happened nor will they happen. I happily co-slept with D. he went from a bedside bassinet to my bed to his toddler bed with no issues whatsoever.
G's evening routine has been bath, breast, massage, story and bed with little to no resistance. Rocking and feeding him before bed is such a precious time and one that i still get to enjoy all by myself, no one else can feed him and that feeling of his warm little body curled up next to mine is perfection at its best. Lately though him ripping his hair out while cooing himself to sleep has become an unwelcomed addition to our routine.
With his eyes half closed and nursing slower and slower, G has taken to ripping out his own hair. At first i thought he was "scratching his head because he was hot, but when it became and every nap time thing i realized i had to do something. I realized he was doing it not even fazed by his own pulling! My child is crazy... he'll never have a "decent" girlfriend or sane roommated and he'll probably end up homeless because he likes to rip out his own hair.
I turned to the now it all...aka google, turns out this is normal, its a comforting feeling for them. like sucking the solution is to give the child/baby something else they can channel their energy into like a lovie, so I gave G piglet and mickey rattle.
problem solved...sort I feed G, while being beaten about the head with Mickey or piglet.
at least someone is sleeping soundly and with some hair left
11 months ago
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