Getting things ready for back to school seems like a relatively easy thing to do right? wrong, D's school, rather the 4th grade team of teachers think its necessary for each child to have 6 boxes of #2 pencils, yes you read that right 6! but not any pencils they have to be Ticonderoga pencils. uhmm yeah do you know how hard it is to find those things? and they have to be sharpened when sent in. add this to the mile long list of additional things they ask for. ok wipes tissues pencils fine i get that they need that. but sometimes their request are a bit crazy. anyway the whole point of that rant is i have been incredibly busy.
I had not wanted to share on here that D had to undergo and endoscopy last week, all is well and he is doing great. Since he turned 1 and slimmed down from all the walking he stayed on the thinner side of the growth chart but maintained a healthy weight for him. last year he was labeled as failure to thrive because he lost weight. we tried everything, hiding veggies in food, medications, supplements, even threats of injectibles and feeding tubes. (drastic and mean i know but we were helpless and frustrated and beyond scared that our little boy was literally meting away before our eyes. I mean he is going to be 10 in January and he weighs 47 lbs!!!!
He is an extremely picky eater but the straw that broke the camel's back was when 2 months ago he lost 4 lbs in 1 month. his nutritionist decided we need the endoscopy to rule out anything we may have missed with all the other tests. the results? a mild hiatal hernia. she prescribed prevacid although he shows no symptoms whatsoever there is a chance he will once he gets older. Also a mild lactose intolerance which caught us off guard since he loves milk and has never had any reactions to it. She said it may show up and be there but not cause any symptoms at all. or that it may cause symptoms with say yogurt but not milk. But most importantly he is completely healthy, no parasites, no celciac nothing, picture perfect GI tract and stomach.
So with that said we now are going to check in with a feeding team at St. Joseph's hospital to check his eating behaviors and ours as well and with the help of the nutritionist, a psychologist a GI specialist and a whole bunch of other people. we will hopefully figure out a way to make diner a pleasant time for our family and not one that ends with fights because he is well not eating or dragging it out.
11 months ago
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