i thought being a mom already i wouldn't need many of the "useless" things out there IE wipe warmers...who the heck needs that? and what about when you are out how are you going to keep your child from screaming when***gasp*** a room temp wipe touches their tush? anyway. needless to say i did not register for many of those things.
while perusing the baby websites i frequent i have noticed many new things that have come out since D was a baby. one of them was this nifty little thing called the ITZBEEN Baby Care Timer. you can read about it here
to be honest with you i can't wait to start using it. at first i thought it would be a waste of time and money but now that i think about it it may be the best $25 bucjks i've spent so far. I mean when D was a baby it was just him and me. Now i have a hubby 2 dogs a cat a ferret a fish, my son and oh yeah me add a newborn to that equation something is bound to be forgotten so with this i figured at least the baby will be safe lol.
11 months ago
I LOVE my Itzbeen! It really makes remembering when LO ate last or when I pumped last so much easier, especially in my sleep-deprived haze :)
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