I mean if the pics way down below didn't tell ya anything maybe this one will
8weeks 3 days
meet our soon to be addition. if you are still wondering...yes i'm pregnant and it looks like we get to keep this one, we've seen the HB twice already and todays rate was 171 bpm! woah strong one in there.
m/s has been getting better although it was more of an all day thing, lots of heaving, nausea, and hating anything and everything i could smell...did i mention pregnancy heightens that sense? yeah not fun, it got me to the point of bawling like an idiot on our kitchen floor because i wanted a piece of chocolate cake but every time i held it close to my mouth i would start gagging...sheer torture to want something so bad and not be able to have it.
my boobs are now know as porn start boobs with missle nips, uhm always at attention and WTF how did they just grow to be so unmanageable in 4 wks?
and don't get me started on the clothes issue besides the bloat and doc thinking we may have 2 buns in there i can't get anything to button up let alone make over my ass! oh and the bella band awesome...if your pants make it up past your ass. Thank God its summer(not really what is with this weather anyway? rain rain go AWAY!!!) I've been able to live in dresses and capris did i mention their maternity pants..yup oh let the joy begin.
Don't get me wrong i'm not complaining i would do this three fold if it meant actually getting to hold our baby in the end, but i have to vent just a little bit. lol
Anyway i'll try and be more consistant with posting i just wanted to wait till we had solid good news before sharing with the world.
Thanks for your prayers and good wishes i believe they have been heard!
11 months ago
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