
Thursday, June 16, 2011

passing time

as we wait for my body to heal i've been keeping busy sewing and doing other crafts, so i figured i would share with you guys what i've been doing.
as i was driving through town  a couple of weeks ago i saw a girl wearing a stripped maxi dress and instantly wanted one because it looks so summery and just cute and simple yet put together.
i saw a couple online and in stores and tried them on but wasn't crazy about either price or fit or stule or all of the above. so i figure i would try making it myself.
i used a dress i already own, or more like 2 because its the top of one and the bottom of another.
i used those to make pattern pieces. then i cut my fabric and started piecing it all together.
i made the chest and back area double layers to conceal a bit more since the fabric is thin, not see through but thin

double layered
 the front top part where the straps will meet with the bodice

i left about an inch all around so i could fold over, pin and sew the seam allowance
and so i could have straight lines, not jagged
i lined up the top front part and the bottom front skirt part right sides together and sewed so the seam would be hidden
 the srtaps were basically long tubes sewed right sides together, then i used a saftey pin to pull one end through to the other side to put it right side out.
 the straps attached to the back piece

the front piece where the straps will meet and attach

the edges of the dress's seam allowance
 the final product. i added a flower made following this tutorial
 flower close up

i got my own labels from etsy. just think the give the clothes more of a finished look
 i attached the flower with a pin just in case i ever wanted to attach it to a headband or a belt or whatever

ta-da !!!
ok so moving on, i made Gabriel this shirt following this tutorial
close up of the embroidery. honestly i did this in bed watching tv after the kiddos were sleeping.

and finally, darren had this cute ikea table that he was supposed to use for homework, yeah he never did, so it moved to Gabriel as his drawing station but soon it became a rainbow of crayon colors on it., i couldn't really paint it because its not real wood, i guess if i had sanded then primed maybe i could hva painted, but i went the easy route bought chalkboard contact paper cleaned said table and voila instant chalkboard top table leaving room still for his paer roll to paint/drawn on, and its the perfect height.

And finally my two projects lined up and ready to go.
flat front pants with seersucker fabric. pattern found here

and i got all these cozy and fun flannel colors and train fabric to make this blanket for Gabriel

lastly but with out a picture, i got a gorgeous orange chiffon that i will be using to make this for myself.

so as you can see it should keep me busy as we wait for things to get moving.


Jess said...

The dress is adorable!!!! I'm jealous at your talent! How are you feeling emotionally? Continuing to think about you! HUGS!