
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

4 months already?

wow little man where did the time go? I can barely remember being 4 months pregnant with you and now here you are speeding along.
this month has been amazing, you have changed so much from when we first brought you home.
here are some of those changes:

You have the most adorable belly laughs EVER.

you can turn from back to belly with so much ease now its crazy!
you have been hooch(tuner&hooch) as in you are such a drool monster! seriously you have more outfits changes in a day than J-lo does for any movie!
you have started showing a real interest in food, like the day you were gawking at the apple cake on the table and decided it would be a great idea to dive into head first mouth wide open!
did i mention you are barely fitting into 3-6 month clothes and 6 months is actually a better fit!

here are some out takes from this afternoons monthly photo shoot

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

1 year ago today

This changed our lives forever!

and today we have him

Friday, May 14, 2010

Mother's Day

I had an awesome mother's day busy and crazy but amazing!
The day started off with us going to 9am church since Michael had planned brunch for us at 11 am( our normal church time is 10:15am)

So off we went and came back home to "relax" for about an hour, then we were off again to Brunch (i'll add pics soon, too lazy to go downstairs for the camera)
we got home around 1pm.
I laid down with Gabriel to try and get him to nap which he did. but i was also trying to get y hair and makeup done since we had Kristin's wedding at 4pm.
I managed to get myself decently put together and off we went again.
We got there and it was super windy and cold (hence winter coats in May)

The place was beyond gorgeous and Kris, well she looked stunning!

I just have to say i LOVE this pic pf Kris and her dad dancing!

Darren had such an great time, he literally danced the whole night, so much so that his feet were hurting BAD by the time we got home.
My husband who have i mentioned is beyond amazing, got me a card that like always had me bawling and along with it this gorgeous necklace.
Darren says it me(on the left side) holding(hugging) him )on the right side) and Gabriel(lil diamond in the center). He says it reminds him of how i will always protect them! needless to say he made me cry as well

I have so much to thank God for this mother's day but i must confess its also bittersweet because although i have 2 perfect and gorgeous and healthy boys, i also think about my angels and what it would've have been like with them here. I miss my babies...every day...i miss them terribly and it would be a lie to say I don't still cry for them. I will always wonder and always miss them, but for now i rejoice in what the good lord has given me.
I also miss my mom terribly, she is my best friend, my confidant and we have hit some unexpected road bumps in our journey to get her back home. I pray that it all works out and she can be with me soon so i can hold her kiss her and thank her for being the most amazing strong woman she is; and for teaching me how to be an almost,equally awesome mother.
hope every one had a great mother's day!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Aromatherapy for babies/children

As many of you know, Darren has winter asthma, basically happens when the air is super cold he gets a cold-like symptom and if left too long eventually starts wheezing to the point of need a nebulizer treatment. sucks i hate seeing him like that because it just wears him down completely, and if you know D well he is spirited to say the least!
Michael's brother has suggested oils to help with this and they have worked so i'm passing on the knowledge to you guys.
As always consult your child doctor BEFORE starting anything!

Introducing aromatherapy to babies

Use Lavender essential oil. 2 drops of on a tissue kept near bedside while feeding associates the aroma with love and comfort and helps in sleeping.


To ease out teething pain in kids use Chamomile oil. Wrap some ice cubes in a cloth and then put 1 drop of Chamomile oil.


To give a nice aromatic bath to your baby, add 1 -3 drops of lavender & roman chamomile to the soap and add to the tub.

Cleaning children's rooms and school bags

Citrus Oils like Orange, Lemon, Bergamot or Mandarin oil. A few drops added to water acts as natural cleaning agents

To calm crying or irritated baby

To pacify a crying baby put one drop of lavender oil on your shoulder and then put the baby to sleep while rocking the baby. Rest the baby's head on your shoulder while doing so.


Roman Chamomile has calming effect on the babies and it also helps in putting them to sleep. Put one drop of Roman Chamomile on the pillow of the baby at bedtime or in the bath tub mixed with the liquid soap. It is advisable to use half the recommended amount if pregnant or breastfeeding the child.

Depression, stress, tension, frustration and anxiety

Use Sweet Orange or Mandarin oil in a diffuser. Both these oils help to release stress and anxiety

Chest infections or stuffy nose

Eucalyptus Globulus (use only Eucalyptus Smithi for children). 1 drop on the corner of the pillow. It facilitates breathing and is an effective analgesic.

Colds and coughs

To stop cold and cough add three drops of Eucalyptus Smithi to a bowl of boiling water and place it under the bed.

Insect or spider bites

Tea Tree oil dries up, swelling decreases, no pain or itching.

Essential oil use:


Use one third of the adult dose for children. Since the skin of the children is very delicate make sure to blend the right amount of essential oil with 16 oz of water , then shake it nicely and then add to the bath tub. There are very few essential oils that can be used with kids. Some are lavender, geranium and rose. Always make sure to dilute the oils in sweet almond or milk.

Eucalyptus Smithi is the only Eucalyptus essential oil that should be used on children. Eucalyptus Globulus, which is the most common, is usually rectified and is not suitable for children. Do not use Eucalyptus on babies younger than 2 months.

Monday, May 3, 2010

3 month cake

I completely spaced out and forgot to show you guys Gabriel's 3 month cake

it was so so good BTW!

here are some recent shots form the weekend...did i mention it was 90 on saturday?! yeah 90 in april..unheard off but i will totally take it i LOVE and have been craving for summer days since uhm last September!

AP / BFing humor

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