
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

6 month update

Wow how is it possible that time has passed us by so quickly that our little miracle monkey is half way to being 1 year old. Ugh i get shivers every time i think of that.

He has brought so much joy to our life and i can't help but gloat and beam brighter than the sun when i catch a glimpse of my little baby with his brother or better yet with daddy.

It will never cease to amaze me how much he has grown and how his little (READ BIG) personality is shinning through. He constantly shows us what he likes and what he doesn't.
His toes and feet being one of those loves.

He loves to roll around and has gotten quite good at it.
He loves to play airplane and then he somehow tucks his hands under his belly and pushes his tush way up in the air. This kid is going to be crawling before we know it and honestly i would be surprised if he walked before turning 1.

He loves my camera and its like he knows when i'm snapping shots of him because even though he is extremely happy, he turns the charm on even more when he sees the camera.

so with out further ado, although its a bout a week late here are Gabriel's 6 month pics.
No the best quality and M was getting annoyed that i couldn't get the settings right and shooting without flash while it was rainy and gloomy out so i gace in and shot with flash (EEKK) sorry guys sometimes i have to pick my battles