Look what came in the mail today!
I'm so excited to try these. since i was pregnant with Gabriel the thought of cloth diapering came and went and initially i thought "eww never" i remember being cloth diapered and I did NOT want to go through that.
I figured i would be the pampers snob i was with Darren. (Huggies did not work at all for us with either one of the boys, they had terrible leaks as in not just clothes but sheets, mattress and anything or anyone monkey came into contact with. I do love their wipes more than pampers though!)
Then the whole dry-max pampers situation came to light with reports of infants having chemical burns on their tushies. Although Gabriel had been wearing them for 4 months without problems, i didn't want to take a chance and so that whole situatuion kicked my butt into gear to look into cloth seriously.
Also it was killing me seeing our garbage pail full of 'sposies that would take up to 500 years in out landfills, oh and i've been on a green kick too.
I started researching my options, turns out there are many to be had. The amount of choices is overwhelming to say the least
Hybrids - GDiapers
pocket diapers or one size - fuzzibunz
all in ones (AIO) - bumgenious / Grovia
one size - rumparooz
sleeve - thisties
fitted - kissaluvs
flat - birdseye
And those are just the types. then you can add liners, covers, inserts, doublers...you get the idea.
Anyway we decided and by we i mean I, that hybrids would be a good place to start just to get the hang of it and get comfortable. We compromised this time we is HE. that we would target brand up& up 'spoises for nighttime since we didn't want to wake up with shit all over us. BTW target diapers ROCK!!!!
So off i went cyber shopping at amazon after reading many many reviews and pouring over sites explaining an breaking down cloth diapering. We came down to 3
and fuzzibunz.
They all have their pros and cons and as i go about testing each one i'll update. So far what i like about the Gdiaper is how easy it is.
this is what the main cloth cover looks like with the inner snap-in liners
then you add the disposiable/compostable liner to the inner one into the pocket it forms
finally put in on
The velcro makes it easy to put on baby
We have had blowouts (2) where it leaks onto the inner "plastic" liner but he's done that with pampers and actually worse. so i'm not discouraged yet. I love their cute designs and how comfy they are. Yes you need to practice getting the insert just right but in the diapers defense i got the small size liner which goes up to 14lbs and Gabriel is 15 something already.
I love the G on his butt too!
I'm waiting on my fuzzibunz and bumgenius to come in the mail so i'll keep you updated once i use those. so far Gabriel seems to like his Gdiapers
For more cloth diapering info check out
this site or just do a google search