
Monday, March 29, 2010

Wubanub or paci plushies...our latest debate

Ever since i knew i wanted kids at like 16 i knew what i didn't want...pacifiers! Totally against it and its my personal opinion that they suck and are useless! i hate them. I don't flame anyone who DOES use them, i just never liked them....until i read in a study that they may actually reduce the risk for SIDS.
I suddenly became a binkie lover... bring the binkies on.
Gabriel was a champ, he took to them no problem and thank the lord they did not interfere with breastfeeding.
He only gets them at night or some nap times, problem is he bear hugs my hand and falls asleep that way, when i try to move my hand he usually wakes up.
I had heard of the wubanub and thought hey that would be great because he can hug the animal and not my hand. my only gripe was they are attached to the soothies, so sanitizing them isn't easy, plus nothing against the soothies but they are just not pretty! lol
i did some more research and found paci plushies, same concept except you choose what paci you use and they detach so sanitizing the paci's is super easy.
i ended up getting both because i figured we could keep one downsatirs/car and one in our are my observations about both of them:
paci plushies on the left, wubanub on the right

~side by side they are the same size,
~ the paci plushies are definitely softer/squishier than the wubanub, and i think they have a cuter face but that is me.
~ the paci plushies also have flatten out paws which make it easier to stay in place when monkey turns his head

~ love the fact that we can use our choice of paci instead of being "told" what to use

final verdict...

Gabriel LOVES his little friend Milo

he still uses the wubanub but Milo is def his fave!
you can find either of them at amazon.