
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Things you give up being a new mom

  1. Getting dressed. I live in comfy pants and shirts now. Yoga pants and t-shirts with a wide neckline(think flashdance) or nursing tank have been my staple for the last 4 weeks. besides its not like i'm going anywhere other than the Dr. or the grocery store!
  2. Cute clothes - if my boobs can't be easily accessed then I can't even try to wear it, oh and refer to #1 again
  3. Sexy underwear...hello granny panties!!! boy shorts have been lifesavers as well.
  4. Doing my hair and makeup. I'm happy if I have a shower by noon, let alone fix my hair or do my makeup.
  5. My purse collection. The diaper bag is now my purse.
  6. Cleaning. I thrived in having the cleanest, nicest smelling house ever and now swiffer is my new BFF and taht is about as much cleaning as i do. I do however take the trash out full of stinky diapers like 3x a day! lol
  7. Sex. It still hurts, and Michael is still healing so we are out of luck on both ends!
  8. Un-interrupted sleep
  9. Heels...i can barely walk a straight line in flats with a 2wk old in arms!


Shanny said...

Ahhh I can't wait for my turn to be completely happily exhausted and unsexy in my granny panties =)